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This category houses open educational resources (OER) developed by the School.

Articles, videos and audios from our free online course, COVID-19: Tackling the novel coronavirus. These materials are published as Open Educational Resources (OERs) and can be legally downloaded and shared by clinicians, educators and learners for non-commercial purposes.

This course is provided for personal use only and not for any commercial, professional medical or business purpose. All content and opinions presented throughout this course are for educational purposes only and do not constitute the provision of professional medical or public health advice. You should not rely on the contents of this course or other learners in place of professional advice from a regulated medical professional.

If you have any concerns about a particular health condition or COVID-19, please seek the most current medical and/or public health advice from a qualified medical practitioner. LSHTM shall not be liable, to the maximum extent permitted by UK law, for any adverse or negative consequence arising from your reliance on the information contained in this course, or for any commercial use by a business or medical practitioner, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

The course was produced in May 2020, and as such, some materials may contain out of date information.

This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's Health in Humanitarian Crises course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in February 2017 on the FutureLearn platformAdditional information about the course and its contributors can be found on the School website.This material is made available for free, open re-use by educators and is licensed under Creative Commons. Please note that this material does not represent a course experience and there is no certificate of completion available.

Course developers: Dr Karl Blanchet, Adrienne Testa, Joanna Stroud, & Jessica Petz

This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's 'Preventing the Zika virus' course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in July 2016 on the FutureLearn platform. Additional information about the course and its contributors can be found on the School website.

The material is broken down into teaching weeks, topic-focused activities and learning steps. Individual steps are presented in a variety of different ways, and may be vehicles for delivering content, discussion opportunities, or informal assessment tasks. The material available on this page does not represent a course experience, and is intended for free, open re-use by educators.

Course developers: Dr. James Logan, Dr. Robert Jones, Dr. Vanessa Chen-Hussey, Megan Kill and Joanna Stroud

Download videos, transcripts and teaching slides from the School's free online course 'Global Blindness: Planning and Managing Eye Care Services.' Additional information about this course and how to register can be found on the School website

This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's 'Improving the health of women, children and adolescents' course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in February 2016 on the FutureLearn platform. Additional information about the course and its contributors can be found on the School website.

The material is broken down into teaching weeks, topic-focused activities and learning steps. Individual steps are presented in a variety of different ways, and may be vehicles for delivering content, discussion opportunities, or informal assessment tasks. The material available on this page does not represent a course experience and is intended for free, open re-use by educators.

Course developers: Dr Tanya Marchant, Professor Joy Lawn, Megan Kill, and Joanna Stroud.

This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities (OER) from the School's Ebola in Context course, originally delivered in January, April and August 2015 on the FutureLearn platform. This material is made available for free, open re-use by educators and is licensed under Creative Commons. Please note that this material does not represent a course experience and there is no certificate of completion available.

Course developers: Judith Glynn, Megan Kill & Joanna Stroud


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