Available courses
Number of topics: 4
This course was developed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is a world leader in research and postgraduate education in public and global health. Its mission is to improve health and health equity worldwide.
Number of topics: 3
This site has support and guidance information on how to use Moodle.
Number of topics: 11
This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's Health Economics and Financing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries course. The material was originally delivered as a short course created for UNICEF and delivered to UNICEF staff between 2006 and 2016. Additional information about the course and its last edition can be found here.
The material is broken down into teaching modules and topic-focused interactive activities. Activities are presented in a variety of different ways ('challenge yourself' exercises, 'check your learning' quizzes) and may be vehicles for delivering content or informal assessment tasks.
Course developers: Dr Virginia Wiseman, Dr Lorna Guinness, Fiammetta Bozzani, Joanna Stroud
Number of topics: 14
This course has been designed to explore the complicated problem of malnutrition in all its forms, highlighting its multi-sectoral causes, exploring the available evidence and identifying potential solutions.
Number of topics: 7
This is a hybrid short course to support those new to learning, teaching, and assessment. Each session comprises a 3-hour interactive online session support by a series of structured online/offline activities which the participant can undertake as part of self-directed learning. All content will be delivered by Moodle and Zoom.
Lesson plans, materials and notes will be provided for all session to support future versions of this course.
Number of topics: 6
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