Section: Week 1: The epidemic | Ebola in Context OER | Open Study at LSHTM

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    Ebola in Context
    Understanding Transmission, Response and Control

    Image of health workers and body

    This page contains a series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's Ebola in Context course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in January, April and August 2015 on the FutureLearn platformAdditional information about the course and its contributors can be found on the School website.

    The material is broken down into teaching weeks, topic-focused activities and learning steps. Individual steps are presented in a variety of different ways, and may be vehicles for delivering content, discussion opportunities, or informal assessment tasks. The material available on this page does not represent a course experience, and is intended for free, open re-use by educators.

    Course developers: Professor Judith Glynn, Megan Kill & Joanna Stroud

Week 1: The epidemic


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