Q1 How would you expect R0 for Ebola in an urban area to compare with the R0 for Ebola in a rural area?

How would you expect R0 for Ebola in an urban area to compare with the R0 for Ebola in a rural area?

Q2 Assuming that there is a primary case in all households,

Assuming that there is a primary case in all households, calculate the household secondary attack rate if there are 244 households with at least one susceptible individual, 827 total susceptible individuals within the households, and 511 of the susceptible individuals become ill.

Q3 Schematic Spread of Ebola virus is Masini district

Image: Borchert, et al.


In an Ebola outbreak in Uganda in 2000, a health worker travelled back to her home in Masindi district. 18 members of her extended family became ill over several generations of transmission. Following the primary case, there were 2 secondary cases, 4 tertiary cases, 10 cases in the 4th generation, and 2 in the 5th.

What is the approximate value for R0 in the early stages of this outbreak?